Health Benefits and Profits From High Performance Cleaning

From the shine on the front door to the gleam on the taps in the washrooms, the cleanliness of a building is instantly visible. But there are many unseen contaminants that make a critical difference in the healthiness of any shared public or private space.
The way to combat those hidden antigens is with Healthy High Performance Cleaning (HHPC) products, equipment, staff, and an integrated approach to facility management. An intensified cleaning program can certify the sanitary conditions of any building and property, but the process must always be sensitive to the human contact that will follow. That’s why healthy cleaning products and methods are so vital to the people who occupy the space, and to the professional staff who perform the cleaning services.
Healthy High Performance Cleaning Operations
In the overall approach to a HHPC program, the common goals are to:
- determine a program that identifies any special parameters or conditions unique to the site and its occupants.
- establish routines and schedules that will control germs and allergens, and contribute to clean air quality and common contact points.
- use equipment and material that reduces or recycles plastics and other sources of waste destined for the landfill.
- reduce water consumption, electrical equipment load and noise impact, and non-renewable natural resources consumption.
- perform janitorial and maintenance services with minimal intrusion in building function and purpose.
Green Products Cut the Dirt and the Waste
Green cleaning products, materials, and methods must all be applied together to produce truly sustainable, environmentally friendly results. Examples of appropriate supplies and materials include washable, reusable items like microfiber cloths and pads. These reduce the use of water, chemicals, and other cleaning compounds.
The use of non-toxic concentrate compounds based on naturally derived ingredients reduce the impact of harsh chemicals and toxic residues left behind in between cleanings. The use of concentrates not only controls application strength for optimum results, it also reduces unnecessary packaging. The use of recycled materials in the supply chain packaging and ensuring appropriate recycling in the waste stream as well goes a long way to lightening the environmental impact of building maintenance overall.
Another benefit of following green principles in cleaning and maintenance is the positive impact on the building’s brand value. Furthermore, on an ongoing basis, substantial benefits fall straight to the bottom line, as evidenced by the infographic below.
Improve Occupant Health, Building Quality, and the Bottom Line
The built world has huge variations in purpose, scale, materials, age, and mechanical systems. There are heavily trafficked public spaces such as commercial lobbies, malls, retail centers, passenger terminals, government and civic buildings. There are environments with special hygiene requirements like cafeterias, restaurants, schools, hospitals, and laboratories. Residential and industrial complexes of all shapes and sizes. All have a unique set of commercial cleaning needs and standards.
A Healthy High Performance Cleaning program can be designed to suit each and every location and situation, to the daily benefit of all those who live, work, and gather there.