Cleaning Tips For Your Healthcare Facility

Cleanliness is an essential part of health and well-being in any office space, but in a healthcare facility, it’s crucial. Emergency clinics, dentist’s offices, and long-term care facilities need stringent cleaning routines in place to keep patients and staff free of the germs that cause illness.
Here are the three most important things to keep in mind when it comes to cleaning your healthcare facility.
Why Cleaning Is Important
When patients enter your facility, you want them to feel confident in your professionalism. They are trusting you with their care, and a clean facility shows them they can do so safely. When things haven’t been cleaned, it is very noticeable to anyone who visits. Besides making a poor impression, it also means patients and visitors might leave your office with germs that will make them sick, completely the opposite of what you’re trying to accomplish.
Cleaning and Disinfection
The procedures and products used in cleaning healthcare facilities like hospitals or dental clinics must be of superior quality to those that you might use around the house.
Your cleaning company should require staff to wear disposable gloves when cleaning your facility. In addition, it’s important that surfaces are cleaned with soap and water before they are disinfected. This two-step process matters because the process of cleaning will remove dirt and germs, while disinfection kills any remaining germs that are left behind.
Keeping a Routine
The number of cleaning tasks you need to do on a regular basis can be overwhelming. It’s important to have a specialized cleaning program that reflects the unique needs of your facility. Consider times of the year or hours of the day when traffic is highest in determining what your cleaning program should look like. Also take cold and flu season into account, and ask yourself whether your need for regular cleaning and disinfection, as well as frequent handwashing, may be greater during these times.
If this seems like too much on top of the work you do treating patients, reach out to Service Fort. We can come up with a routine and plan that works for you.