About: Manager

Recent Posts by Manager

5 Benefits of Outsourcing Facility Management Services

5 Benefits of Outsourcing Facility Management Services

Companies that own and manage commercial real estate are faced with a complex range of management responsibilities. Whether they own and occupy a single building for their own operations, or control buildings for leasing to corporate or private tenants, the financial and environmental pressures they have to balance are intense. This requires a high level of expertise across a wide spectrum of technical skills and knowledge. There is an...
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Health Benefits and Profits From High Performance Cleaning

From the shine on the front door to the gleam on the taps in the washrooms, the cleanliness of a building is instantly visible. But there are many unseen contaminants that make a critical difference in the healthiness of any shared public or private space. The way to combat those hidden antigens is with Healthy High Performance Cleaning (HHPC) products, equipment, staff, and an integrated approach to facility management. An intensified cleaning program can certify the sanitary conditions of any building...
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4 Key Criteria For Comparing Commercial Cleaning Companies

When it comes to owning and managing commercial, industrial, and public building spaces, working with a dedicated professional cleaning service is part of the package. However, pricing and standards of janitorial service quality differ widely from one cleaning company to another. A lot of work goes into a thorough and precise RFP, but it’s necessary in order to evaluate different vendors in a meaningful comparison. Due diligence in the RFP process will help you choose the service...
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The 20 Best Reasons To Consider Professional Cleaners

Complete checklist of professional janitorial services

Starting with 5 fundamental principles, these 20 reasons cover everything there is to consider about janitorial services. Every detail enters into a value equation. Every business will value the different details in its own way. Use these 20 points as a checklist for a decision process, or as a set of questions for comparing service providers. Let’s start with a clean slate.

Top 5 big-picture reasons to outsource janitorial services

  • Overall cleanliness of a...
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Environmental Sustainability Puts Green Building Back in the Black

Green Buildings Are Back in Black

New York City skylineWith the environment and climate change so much in the news these days, we might take it for granted that business owners, building managers, and facility managers have environmental issues at the top of their priority lists. And the evidence indicates that indeed this is true to a large extent.

Newer Buildings Have Improved Energy Efficiency

Data from the 2012 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) shows that total...
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