Top Things Most Businesses Forget to Clean

Having a clean office is beneficial for many reasons. It can reduce the spread of germs and illness, as well as make people excited to come to work. Since very few people want to work in a dirty or cluttered environment, keeping your office clean is advantageous.
In an attempt to save some money, some people decide that they are going to have their employees clean the office. While this can definitely save your bottom line, it may not be the best idea. Your employees more than likely already have their plates full with their normal duties, and adding more to their plate could be stressful. In addition, they may not clean to your strict specifications.
That’s why it’s best to hire a cleaning company to come in and take care of your office cleaning. They will make sure the job is done right, and they’ll even get those places that most businesses forget to clean. A list of these areas is below.
Behind Copy Machines and Printers
How often do you actually look behind your copy machine or printer? If it’s not often, you may not notice the build up of paper dust and debris that accumulates behind and under these machines. Your employees might not notice it either. A professional cleaning company does, and they’ll make sure this area is cleaned.
Door Knobs
Would you make sure that your employees are wiping down door knobs? More than likely not, but this is one area where germs can be spread and get other people sick. Making sure this area has been cleaned can reduce the amount of sickness that spreads around your office.
Break Room/Kitchen
More than likely, you ensure that the breakroom/kitchen looks presentable at the end of the day. That means that any dishes in the sink have been taken care of and the counters have been wiped down. But have you checked under the fridge or microwave? What about in it? The only time you might notice something is amiss is if there’s a weird smell coming from the area. A professional cleaning company will take care of these before it gets to that point.
No matter what type of flooring your stairs have, making sure that the corners are taken care of on a daily basis will get rid of any dirt and debris that might accumulate there. This can make your office sparkle and shine, and it’s the attention to detail that a professional cleaning company brings to your office clean.
Whether they are your employees’ office chairs or seats that customers sit in, do you know when the last time they were cleaned? If you compare the back of the cushions to the front, you may see just how dingy and dirty your upholstery has become.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to save your business some money, but doing so at the expense of your employees’ health and your office’s appearance seems silly. At The Service Fort, we will find and clean those places that often get neglected in your office and make them look good. Give us a call today!