These Are the Dirtiest Parts of Your Office

Most people think that they know what the dirtiest parts of an office are going to be. Some of the most common guesses include the floors and the bathroom. However, these areas are often cleaned the most, meaning that they are actually not as dirty as most people think. You might be surprised to learn what the actual dirtiest places in your office are. Generally speaking, here are a few of the filthiest areas at your workplace.
Elevator Buttons
If your office happens to be located in a building with elevator buttons, then these will likely be one of the dirtiest areas in the entire place. It might seem weird that such a small area could be so dirty, but this is often because of how often these buttons are pressed on a daily basis and how infrequently anyone thinks to clean them.
The majority of workplaces with elevator buttons can actually let them get so dirty that they end up containing over 40 times the amount of bacteria that can be found on the average public toilet seat. This might make you think twice about using the stairs rather than the elevator the next time that you need to go to work.
Pens and Pencils
While pens and pencils are likely not the first things that come to mind when dealing with the filthiest items in the office, it is actually not that surprising when you sit down and think about it. Very seldom do pens or pencils stay on one person’s desk. They are quite often borrowed or left somewhere else and then begin to be used by a different co-worker. This journey around the office means that they are collecting as many germs from as many people as possible.
This does not even take into account the number of people who absent-mindedly put pens or pencils in their mouths when doing work, which is an area that is absolutely covered in bacteria. That is why they happen to be one of the dirtiest things in the entire office.
Keyboards and Computer Mouses
While most people are not surprised that their keyboards and computer mouses are dirty, it is often surprising just how dirty they actually are. Recent studies have shown that the average keyboard can contain up to 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. So, as nasty as those elevator buttons are, your keyboard and mouse tend to be 10 times dirtier.
Even the desk areas in front of the corners of your keyboard, which is the space where most people rest their hands, can be covered in a ton of bacteria as well. This is why it is so important to have your office keyboards and mouses cleaned on a regular basis.
In order to help limit the number of germs that are covering these and other areas of your workplace, make sure that you hire the right team of professional cleaners. Get your office as germ-free as possible by contacting us at The Service Fort today.