Important Places to Clean in an Office

Yes, this is one of those articles that will tell you that there are more germs than you would expect in unexpected places. Any high-traffic area in an office environment will need to be on a regular cleaning schedule. But there are a few places that should get extra-special attention. Keep these places in mind when you hire the right cleaning team to take care of all of your janitorial needs.
Elevator Buttons
It goes without saying, the elevator buttons in your building are some of the germiest places. Everyone has to get to work on time, and to do that, they are pressing these buttons. Cleaning elevator buttons should be a top priority, especially during the pandemic. It is also good practice to have a hand-sanitizing station around the elevator doors on every floor and limit the number of people that can be in an elevator at the same time.
Door Handles
The same goes for door handles, everyone has to touch them so they make unforgiving disease vectors. Make sure they are being paid special attention and that hand sanitizer is readily available so people are encouraged to touch door handles with sanitized hands.
Yes, these are one of the surfaces that is dirtier than a toilet seat—400 times more, in fact. It adds up to about 21,000 bacteria and fungus… per square inch! So to prevent the spread of all of these things, a proper cleaning regime needs to be in place.
Can you remember the last time you cleaned your keyboard? You eat around it and take it with you everywhere so it’s no surprise that it’s one of the dirtiest places in an office. It is even worse if employees share keyboards because then the bacteria only multiplies. Make sure that keyboards are at the top of the list when it comes to cleaning priorities.
Needless to say, telephones are one of the dirtiest places in an office. Dirtier than desktops, in fact, averaging 25,000 bacteria per square inch. It makes sense, usually, telephones are utilized by more than one person, that means they are pressed to more than one face per day, which makes them optimal for collecting droplets.
Coffee Maker and Other Food-Prep Appliances
Anywhere food and beverages are kept or made needs to be a top priority for your cleaning crew. Not only is it a big place for germs to spread, you also have to worry about crumbs. If these areas are not maintained, they could attract pests.
Sinks, especially sinks with any kind of dirty-dish build-up, are breeding grounds for bacteria. These need to be a spot regularly taken care of by your cleaning crew. It is also a good idea to have postage around the sink discouraging people to leave their dirty dishes.
If you need help targeting the dirtiest places in your office, contact The Service Fort. We will make sure that your work environment is clean and tidy. You never want the cleanliness of your office to be on your employees’ minds, let them focus on work by keeping their environment clean!