Could An Unclean Office Be Costing You Money?

No one likes working or visiting a place that isn’t clean, but some people make the mistake of thinking that this is a matter of comfort rather than necessity. Many business owners may be costing themselves massive amounts of money each year by not making an investment in a clean workplace. Here’s how it could be happening to you.
One of the biggest single ways that employers across the country are losing money is through poor health. In fact, one study said that this cost U.S. employers as much as $227 billion due to employee absenteeism due to sickness, or what the experts call “presenteeism.” This is when a sick employee still shows up to work, but isn’t able to produce at their normal capacity due to their illness, whether they don’t have the energy or focus to do so.
At first glance, it may be a bit of a surprise that office cleaning, of all things, could have such a pronounced effect on employee health. We need to remember that when an employee comes into contact with various surfaces, in the office or in the bathroom, that may mean potential germs that could lead to sickness. One employee coming to work sick could lead to a spread of sickness in your office. However, regular cleaning helps minimize this kind of issue.
Another thing that cleaning helps deal with is the spread of allergens. Allergic reactions generally fall under that category of “presenteeism,” not enough to keep a person from coming to work, but having a clear effect on their comfort and productivity. This includes common allergens like pollen and dust as well as other items like certain chemicals or mold. Unlike a cold, allergies won’t go away after a little time away. So, if you have an employee with these sensitivities, you want to get ahead of these issues.
By the same token, it bears mentioning that a big piece of appealing to potential clients and customers is that first impression, and a clean and organized office is a major part of that. This means doing a lot of little things. Make sure that your walls are clean and have even paint or wallpaper. Make sure that your carpets are stain-free, or if you’re using hardwood floors, keep an eye out for chips and scratches. Remember, while you’re trying to appeal to your clients, you may not even know what they’re focusing on.
When it comes to keeping a clean workspace and reaping the benefits that come with it, it’s not as simple as simply making a big show of cleaning everyone once in a while. Consistency is key, to show to customers and employees that keeping a healthy and enjoyable work environment is a priority, not a reaction. As any person with a home can tell you, though, it can be difficult to keep a standard up over a long period of time, especially with all the distractions that can happen in any given workplace. This is why it’s best to enlist an Atlanta cleaning company and take this responsibility off your hands permanently.