Cleaning Supplies That All Workplaces Should Always Have on Hand

Regardless of the industry, accidents happen and employees will occasionally make a mess. It is important to have the proper tools to efficiently clean up messes in the workplace. This will allow your employees to efficiently clean up after themselves and keep your business image sparkling clean.
Broom and Dustpan
A broom and dustpan are two of the most basic cleaning tools that every workplace should have. A broom is used to sweep up debris and dirt off of the floor and other surfaces. It is the best method for cleaning broken glass in the workplace. A broom and dustpan should be utilized at the end of every day. This will stop dirt and dust from building up around the workplace.
Mop and Bucket
Like the broom and dustpan, all workplaces should have a mop and bucket. Mops are used to soak up spills and clean the floor. Just simply fill a bucket with some warm water and work your way from the back of the room to the front. Be sure to place a wet floor sign down after mopping an area. This will minimize potential workplace injuries.
Paper Towel
Paper towel is the perfect tool for cleaning up smaller spills. Modern paper towels are extremely absorbent and are essential for keeping the workplace clean. However, power towels can be used for more than just cleaning spills. They are also great wiping dust off of surfaces.
Window Cleaning Fluid
Any workplace that has windows should invest in a bottle or two of window cleaning fluid. Foggy, dirty windows have a negative effect on a business’ image and make it look less visually appealing. Window cleaning fluid is an affordable way to clean windows; simply spray the window with the fluid and wipe it down with a cloth. Be sure not to leave any streaks behind.
Hand Soap
Hand soap is a must-have cleaning item for every workplace. Although most of the other items have been for the workplace itself, hand soap directly benefits the employees. Having hand soap on hand (no pun intended) allows employees to use hygienic workplace practices. It allows cuts down on the spreading of germs, which means your employees will stay healthy.
It is important that a workplace has all the essential cleaning tools at the employees’ disposal. Examples of these tools are a broom, dustpan, mop, bucket, paper towel, window cleaning fluid, and hand soap. Having these tools nearby will allow employees to clean up after themselves and maintain the business’ image.
However, these tools are just the bare necessities. It is important that a workplace has a number of other cleaning supplies. These supplies can differ from industry to industry. Those who don’t have the time to constantly update their cleaning tools may want to invest in a high-quality janitorial service.
For more information on the cleaning supplies that should be in every workplace, contact the janitorial experts at The Service Fort.