Benefits of Green Cleaning Your Office

Are you trying to decide whether to switch to green cleaning products in your office? As with any decision, you are probably weighing the costs against the benefits.
Here are some unexpected benefits of green cleaning to factor in.
Healthier Air Quality
If you’re using traditional harsh cleaning products, these could impact the health of your employees in ways you don’t realize.
The chemicals in these cleaning products create fumes that pollute the indoor air.
You might wonder if that really matters. But the truth is, cleaner air means better morale, fewer sick days, and more productivity. It’s especially beneficial to employees who suffer from allergies or chronic respiratory conditions like COPD and asthma.
Reduced Environmental Impact
This is the most obvious benefit to going green, but think about what it really means to you and your company. Green products are biodegradable, so their ingredients are easily broken down and absorbed by the environment. This limits your carbon footprint and helps preserve the ecosystem. The long-term benefits to this are tough to ignore.
In contrast, the harsh chemicals in traditional cleaning products pollute the soil, water and air and have a deadly effect on plants and wildlife.
Dialing back your impact on the environment is also a great way to boost your brand, as others will perceive you as a conscientious and eco-friendly company.
There is a common perception that green cleaning is costlier than the use of traditional cleaning products, but that’s just not true.
In response to demand, green cleaning products are becoming more and more affordable. Besides that, they are easy to make with common household items like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice.
Sold yet on green cleaning? The Service Fort is ISSA certified in green cleaning. Reach out to us for help if you’re ready to “go green.”