Alternatives to Bleach For Office Cleaning

It’s a classic go-to for cleaning everything from clothing to toilets. But is bleach really the best choice for cleaning your office? It turns out that there are many alternatives which are just as effective, more affordable, and healthier for the environment and for your employees.
Here are some of the best alternatives to bleach for office cleaning.
White Vinegar
White vinegar works as a disinfectant, making it an excellent option to use in the kitchen or breakroom where germs and bacteria linger. You can also use it to clean office windows, leaving them spotless and shiny.
It’s an easy substance to use. All you have to do is mix one part white vinegar to one part water in a spray bottle, and you’ll have a powerful cleaner on hand whenever you need it.
Lemon Juice
You can easily find this substance right in your fruit basket or in the refrigerator at home. Lemon is highly acidic, making it an effective way to neutralize germs and bacteria in any area where food is prepared (think food trays and cutting boards).
Just cut a lemon in half and rub it over the surface you want to clean. You can maximize the cleaning power of lemon by adding just a little salt to it, if necessary.
What To Use With the Laundry
Bleach has long been a favorite choice for keeping white clothing, like scrubs or uniforms, looking fresh and crisp. But you don’t have to use bleach for that. Instead, try throwing in just a half cup of baking soda when loading white clothing in the washing machine. Or add a cup of hydrogen peroxide in the bleach dispenser. Either of these options can keep white clothing and linens looking like new.
If you’re struggling with finding the right alternative to keep your office pristine, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Service Fort. We can help you find the right solution for your business. Give us a call today.