How Your Employees Can Help Keep the Office Clean

Now more than ever, keeping your office and workspace clean should be a priority for everyone. With the reopening of businesses, many employees are now returning to find many changes in their place of work. Management has to ensure that all that there are strict sanitizing and hygiene procedures in place. While the vast majority of this responsibility will depend on the management, there are still ways that staff members can contribute to keeping the office clean and safe for everyone. Here are a few tips.
Washing Their Hands
The pandemic has demonstrated the power that proper hand-washing techniques can have in order to stop the spread of dangerous pathogens. While there is no easy way to ensure that your employees are washing their hands, you can promote it by placing reminders in the bathrooms. These signs should also illustrate how to adequately wash their hands. Make sure that the soap they are using is antibacterial and fragrance-free.
Another excellent solution is setting up hand sanitizer dispensers in common areas. This way your staff members will be more inclined to use them and stop the spread of viruses and germs.
Wearing a Face Mask
The pandemic has created new normal that includes the use of face masks. Whenever social distancing is not possible, your staff members should be wearing face masks to reduce the spread of pathogens through droplets.
Cleaning After Themselves
A big problem in common areas such as break rooms is that some staff members don’t clean up after themselves. This leads to surfaces being left with scraps of food and dirt. Set reminders in the break room reminding them to clean after themselves. You should also provide products to sanitize used surfaces. The best solution are sanitizing wipes. These products contain the right amount of sanitizer and are easy to use. They are also disposable so there is no excuse to wipe the table after you eat.
Kitchen appliances are another common contributor to a dirty office environment. Remind your staff members to use adequate containers for food stored in the refrigerator. If they use the microwave, they should wipe the interior with an antibacterial wipe.
Schedule a Cleaning Day
While you may have staff members dedicated to cleaning, it’s also advisable to schedule a day every month that is dedicated to cleaning and decluttering. Set these dates well in advance and communicate it with your staff members, the last thing you want is for this day to clash with any project deadlines. While this activity can be a little tedious, cleaning and decluttering their workspaces is very necessary. Provide all the cleaning products they may need.
The Takeaway
Now more than ever, working in a clean office is vital. While your cleaning team may do a lot of the heavy work, your other staff members should also be contributing to the sanitation of their workspace. Provide them with the necessary disinfecting supplies and set reminders around the office to promote better cleaning habits.