3 Tips For Employees To Keep Your Office Clean

When it comes to keeping your office clean, you can hire a professional cleaner, but there are some other ways you can help yourself. One way is to train and teach employees specific cleaning tactics. These tactics are becoming even more critical, especially when tackling the COVID-19 virus. The more you can prepare your employees, the more likely safety will increase in your office. These practices will improve the overall look and feel of the space and boost safety.
Below are three of these practices that you can teach to your employees and enforce within your office space. The more active your business is at enacting its own cleanliness tips, the more likely that business will return to how it was pre-pandemic. You of course, also want to make sure you have a professional cleaner come in after-hours to tackle the deep cleans.
Wash Hands Frequently
You’ve probably heard it time and time again in the past year, however, washing your hands is a necessary practice that employees must exercise throughout the workday. Hands carry a ton of different germs including the COVID-19 virus. Many people are constantly sneezing, coughing, touching their faces subconsciously, and then touching the office surfaces.
By keeping everyone’s hands clean, you can limit the number of germs that accumulate between professional cleans. You can also suggest that your employees keep hand sanitizer on their desks at all times and encourage them to motivate each other to make handwashing a regular part of the day.
Eat Lunch In a Designated Area
It is common practice for employees to eat lunch at their desks. After all, it’s sometimes difficult to sit down during a stressful day, take an hour or less, and eat without your work nearby. The only problem is that this can get very messy very quickly. There are food wrappers and spills that will accumulate, and it could cause the entire appearance of the office to look unprofessional.
Make sure that your employees are eating their lunch in a designated area. If they have work to do, have them bring it to the specific area rather than eat it at their desk. Not only is it more sanitary, but it also protects their workspace.
Bring Personal Items Home
Employees should bring personal belongings home. These can carry unwanted germs from the home into the office. By having them take them home you don’t have to worry about them tracking in COVID-19. It also means that there is less stuff lying around making it easier for the professional cleaners when they come on sit.
At The Service Fort, we can take care of the professional cleaning in between your shifts. While these practices will help your employees keep your office clean, it’s also essential that you have someone to perform a deeper clean.
We can adapt to your needs and provide services specifically targeted to limit the spread of COVID-19. Contact us today for more information.