3 Areas In Your Work That Are Dirtier Than You Think

It is no surprise that most workplaces are pretty dirty environments. Even if you think your employees are doing a pretty good job with cleanliness upkeep, chances are that they are not doing as good of a job as you think they are. Germs are anywhere and everywhere, and here are some of the worst areas that they are found.
This really is not very surprising since the desk is where most employees spend the vast majority of their work day. That is hours on end that people are potentially coughing, sneezing, and doing who knows what else all over their desks. It has actually been discovered that the average desk is even dirtier than the average toilet seat.
One of the worst items on your desk that is contributing to this massive army of germs is your keyboard and mouse. These devices, especially keyboards, are notoriously hard to thoroughly clean and therefore they often just stack of germ after germ until they are completely coated in this potentially harmful bacteria. If you are the only who uses your desk then this might not be quite as alarming because it is only your germs, but if you happen to share a keyboard or entire cubicle with someone then this can be extremely concerning.
This might slightly take you by surprise. After all, the kitchen is usually one of the places where you spend the most amount of time cleaning. Therefore it should logically be that the kitchen is one of the cleaner spaces at your work, but this simply is not the case.
Fridges, in particular, are one of the worst places for germs in the kitchen. With hot, cold, cooked, and raw foods interacting so often it is bound to create the potential for some dangerous germs to spawn and collect. That is why it is important to regularly stay on top of the food within the fridge. Make sure that any food is properly sealed and that whenever some food is left for more than a couple days that it is thrown out before it has the chance to spoil.
This makes sense, after all, doors are one of the only areas in an office that every employee regularly touches. This makes doors, and particularly the handles on them, a hotbed for germ activity. It isn’t just doors to the bathroom either. Main entrance doors or doors to the break room can be equally as bad if not a bit worse. Sure you could always try to do the shirt trick where you use your shirt to open the handle instead of directly touching it yourself, but for someone who works in an office, this is not an easy option. It is much simpler and better for everyone to just get regular cleanings done.
You don’t need to be a germaphobe to realize that your workspace is likely much dirtier than you thought. Keep your office as clean as possible by hiring the professional cleaning team The Service Fort.